30 Days Through Afghanistan

30 Days Through Afghanistan

30 Days Through Afghanistan

The web-based project kicks off Feb. 8 and aims to bring the people, the mission and the experiences of ISAF’s 44 participating nations to a worldwide audience through the eyes of U.S Air Force Technical Sergeants Nathan Gallahan and Kenneth Raimondi.

“The opportunity to show the world the ISAF counter-insurgency strategy in action, through the eyes of two of our military journalists is unique,” said Navy Capt. Jane Campbell, IJC spokesperson. “The innovation and commitment to the mission by these two airmen will help people around the world see Afghanistan through the eyes and words of ISAF service members.”

Raimondi, a broadcaster, and Gallahan, a print journalist, will travel Afghanistan for 30 continuous days through each of the five regional commands, giving a first-hand perspective of the counter-insurgency mission. The two reporters will produce video and print news stories as well as document daily adventures through blogs and video blogs to showcase the troops in an interactive manner.

“The goal is to create a 30-day online conversation with people across the world,” said Gallahan. “We hope to raise an understanding of Afghanistan and the ISAF mission.”

Website: 30 Days Through Afghanistan
Facebook: 30 Days Through Afghanistan
Twitter:  30 Days Through Afghanistan