CH2M HILL Restores “Cuckoo’s Nest” Hospital

The most sustainable projects reach across time and allow people to draw upon what they value most from the past while also harnessing new understandings to create a better future.  This philosophy g...

CH2M HILL & Singapore’s Canals: Reconnecting People to Water’s Life Flow

The word “canal” evokes many responses from the romance of the canals of Venice to the toxic legacy of the Love Canal. A canal can be a dramatic centerpiece to commerce and history, a forgotten st...

Poverty in Morne-A-Bruler: Haiti’s Multi-Dimensional Problems

Until Jan. 12, 2010, few people gave Haiti much thought. However, after the magnitude 7.0 earthquake and global news network coverage of the devastating damage and socio-economic conditions in the aft...

Naval Base Ventura County San Nicolas Island Seabird Restoration Project

San Nicolas Island (SNI), the most remote of California’s Channel Islands, has been touched and transformed by humans beginning with its occupancy by the Nicoleño Indians approxima...

CH2M HILL What Makes a Roadway Green?

A  “green” roadway is not defined by its color but by its ability to fit into a community and to enable user-friendly connectivity for all potential travel modes. It highlights the strengths of i...