The African Lion: Dinner or Endangered?

Eeven while the African lion is under review by the US Fish and Wildlife Service (FSW) with regard to a possible listing status under the Endangered Species Act, the king of the jungle is becoming re...

Articulation to Action: the Air Force’s Energy Future

Adialogue has been ongoing about going green since the first Earth Day in the 1970s. We’ve made many strides in the direction of energy conservation and being more respectful of our planet. But 2013...

The Challenge of Change & Reality of Environmental Threats

As a clinical neuropsychologist, who has studied the intricacies of how the human brain operates for the last 20 years, it still remains fascinating to observe the difficult process of change even whe...

America’s Addiction to Energy

Can I see a show of hands for those who want to use less energy? Of course no one wants to use less energy. That would be like asking if anyone would like to breathe less. Energy, like air, makes qual...

Florian Schulz’s To the Arctic Intimate Photographs of Arctic Wildlife

Throughout the course of several years, award-winning wildlife photographer Florian Schulz has traveled to remote locations in the American and European Arctic to photograph their astounding diversity...