Livebetter Magazine

No. 34, July/August 2014 Women & Community-Based Conservation Women & Community-Based Conservation By Jamie Bechtel, JD, PhD, Co-Founder and CEO, New Course  Features Although the US en...

Our Supporters

In our commitment to provide the truth without prejudice, we’ve found some great human beings who have agreed to become involved with us because they care deeply about the world, humanity, the e...

General Info

Although sustainability is absolutely crucial in terms of health, welfare and national security, it is, unfortunately, not a well understood concept. In addition, many people are unaware that this ...

About Us

Center for a Better Life™ is focused on bettering the human condition, within a real-world scenario, using a sustainable business model. We are for profit with a non-profit Center for a Better Life ...

Articulation to Action: the Air Force’s Energy Future

Adialogue has been ongoing about going green since the first Earth Day in the 1970s. We’ve made many strides in the direction of energy conservation and being more respectful of our planet. But 2013...

An 85-Year Old Sustainable Partnership: General Shale, Brick & the American Dream

General Shale, the nation’s largest brick, stone and concrete block manufacturer, celebrates its 85th anniversary in 2013. As the North American subsidiary of Wienerberger AG, the c...

Solarbrush for Solar Panels: German Teen Solves Maintenance Issues

Solar power is a resource that is difficult to fight about. Everyone can imagine a war for oil, but no one can imagine a war for the sun’s rays. That may be one reason why we have yet to unlock even...

The Ethics of Deep Diversity in Multicultural Societies, Part II

The creative activity of men is to be conceived not as the production of objects for use or pleasure of instruction, additions to or improvements on the world of external nature, but as voices speakin...

Ecosystem Services & the True Value of Water

When was the last time you were consciously aware of how the ecosystem provides services? Whether it is the conversion of carbon dioxide to oxygen, the hydrologic cycle, growing food or recreation, th...

Socially Responsible Investors: Working to Minimize Fracking Impacts

At first glance, the Harmony Inn in Butler County, Pa., feels like any other mom and pop bed and breakfast located in any other rural farm town. A closer look at the flyer posted on the commu...

The Crash of the Industrial Age

What if it were too late to save the world? What if rising threats to natural support systems on which all life depend, posed by humanity’s industrial way of life, have already done so much damage t...

Letters to Pushkin: From Loss to Inspiration & Healing

Iwas blessed to have Pushkin in my life and in our home for just over nine years. Throughout the years, he continually proved himself a resilient but gentle soul. He was feisty. He was peaceful. He wa...

Queens University of Charlotte: A Living Wall to Educate, Invigorate and Inspire

North Carolina’s Queens University of Charlotte was looking for a way to add design elements that were visually compelling and educational to the construction of its new $18 million Rogers Science a...

Bioengineering Solutions for Restoring Lotic Ecosystems

Method I In order to ensure fish migration (upstream and downstream) over dams up to 30m height, a two-circular channel mechanism of variable geometry can be set. This mechanism is rectangular (Fig.1)...

Man-Animal Conflicts in India: Understanding Hidden Social Factors

Man-animal conflicts are increasing across India. Although news of such events was quite rare and obscure just 10 to 15 years ago, it is becoming alarmingly more visible in the media. Does this indica...

Do Governments Effect Security or Insecurity?

For years now, government actions in general, regardless of type, have faced many challenges. This is particularly evident within the last two years as changes in Arabic countries have resulted in new...

Team 5 Remote Medical Foundation: Helping San Marcos Earthquake Victims

Guatemala’s Quebrada Seca is one of the most remote areas on the globe, which is why local Mayans are very wary of outsiders and strangers. This includes five Americans from Team 5 Medical Foundatio...

The Ethics of Deep Diversity in Multicultural Societies, Part I

Each age is different, but each has the centre of its happiness within itself. . . . No one lives in his own period only; he builds on what has gone before and lays a foundation for what comes after....

Admiral Sam Locklear on Indo-Asia-Pacific Challenges & Opportunities

Why does the Asia Pacific region matter to the American people and the global population at large? The answer is self-evident when one realizes the area “really can’t be called a ‘region’ beca...

The Challenge of Change & Reality of Environmental Threats

As a clinical neuropsychologist, who has studied the intricacies of how the human brain operates for the last 20 years, it still remains fascinating to observe the difficult process of change even whe...

Keeping America Beautiful: Junk King Green Hauling & Recycling

America’s trash is made up of things people commonly use and then throw away, such as paper, plastic, cardboard packaging, food, furniture, appliances and grass clippings. According to the U.S. Envi...

New Technology for a Greener Future: 12-Minute Cell Phone & Electric Car Charging

Sales of plug-in electric (PEV) and hybrid cars tripled in 2012 and are expected to double again in 2013. Still, they represent only a one digit percent of the 13 million vehicles sold in the United S...

New Sustainability Reports: Creating Equitable, Sustainable Communities

1. Creating Equitable, Healthy & Sustainable Communities ( – Communities across the country are integrating smart growth, environmental justice and equitable dev...

Special Forces Medical Practitioners: Advancing Healthcare in Remote Regions

Team 5 (T5) is an inspired medical foundation created by professionals who enjoy traveling to the ends of the globe to provide a unique service to those without access to modern healthcare. Volunteers...

Project Healing Waters: Fly Fishing Help for Vet Minds, Bodies & Spirits

Astudy by RAND Corporation indicates that 400,000 to 600,000 Iraq and Afghanistan veterans suffer from psychological injuries. Another 320,000 returnees suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTS...

The Reputation Economy: Creating a Sustainable Business Strategy

In 1987 the Brundtland Commission Report defined sustainable development for the environment as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generation...

Propane Autogas School Buses: A More Economical Solution for School Districts

Building a safe, green school bus is easy. All it takes is NASCAR’s top winning owner, a bus manufacturer willing to break from convention, a multi-million dollar investment by thousands of small bu...

A Community of Collaboration: Whidbey Island & Sustainable Agriculture

Industrialization of agriculture has taken a large toll on small, family farms. In the last century, the number of farms fell nearly 65 percent, and the farm labor force dropped from 41 to 1.9 percent...

Business Thinking Ahead: Building the 21st Century Business Model

Business strategy and business sustainability are incongruent. Business strategy, as it is currently conceptualized, promotes profit maximizing through growth. Yet, global society is reaching its limi...