Squeezed Like Lemons: Hawaii PUC Mistreats Citizen-Solar Producers

In February 2012, my wife, Elizabeth, and I started an amazing educational journey on uses and abuses of energy on our planet. Our first-ever adventure with an electric car during a weekend trip to Oa...

A History of Haiti: The Politics of Poverty

Haiti’s independence from France on January 1, 1804, marked the beginning of the first modern state governed by people of African descent. It was the second nation in the Western Hemisphere to achie...

Climate Reform & Social Justice: A Plea for Parity in Communities of Color

With the devastation from Hurricane Sandy fresh in our minds, it is time to deliberatively address the menacing climate change concerns that are facing our planet and their disparate impacts on commun...

The Carbon Entrepreneur: A New MBA Path for Carbon Natives

In first quarter 2013 the London School of Business and Finance (LSBF) will offer a new pathway through its MBA programme centered around two parallel running electives – “Carbon Entrepreneurship...

Agroecology & Biodiversity: Moving Beyond Conventional Agriculture

In the Western world, grocery shopping used to be a fairly low-stakes activity with the name and store brand often the only two options. Today, shoppers have more opportunity than ever before with pro...

We Mean Green: One University’s Sustainability Initiatives

The University of North Texas (UNT) continues its leadership in sustainability with its We Mean Green Fund (WMGF) – a $5 per student per semester fee, which funds environmental projects on campus. A...

Poverty in Morne-A-Bruler: Haiti’s Multi-Dimensional Problems

Until Jan. 12, 2010, few people gave Haiti much thought. However, after the magnitude 7.0 earthquake and global news network coverage of the devastating damage and socio-economic conditions in the aft...

Kivalina & Climate Change: Innovative Solutions from Israel

“We’ve got to figure out how we protect the environment, the Native culture and still come up with a sound solution that doesn’t create more problems down the road. This means collaboration betw...

Natural Disasters & Environmental Change

Extreme and frequent storms, hurricanes, rainfall, floods, heat waves, droughts, forest fires, avalanches, mudslides and landslides, plus melting glaciers, rising sea levels and ocean temperatures, co...

Collaboration in Space: Global Maritime Awareness

According to the National Space Centre Ltd., satellites monitor the whole planet, but owners and operators don’t currently share information. That will change with a new cooperation initiative, C-SI...

America’s Addiction to Energy

Can I see a show of hands for those who want to use less energy? Of course no one wants to use less energy. That would be like asking if anyone would like to breathe less. Energy, like air, makes qual...

Water & the Economy: Moving Toward a More Secure Nation

What do water and the economy have to do with national security? Clearly, water is a component of natural capital, which serves a function for its value to humans. But, it is also a necessary componen...

New Sustainability Reports Forest & Wetland Carbon Storage

1. U.S. DOI Reports on Natural Carbon Storage of Forests & Wetlands (www.doi.gov) – Forests, grasslands, shrublands and other ecosystems in the Western United States sequester nearly 100 million...

Ecotechnical Fish Migration Solution IV

The ecotechnical Solution IV for fish migration upstream and downstream from Romania’s Isalnita Dam involves creating an engineering system on the right bank of the Isalnita Lake. A mobile metal bar...

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Environmental Operating Principles II

The concepts embedded in the original Principles remain vital to the success of the Corps and its missions. However, as the Nation’s water resource challenges and priorities have evolved, USACE has ...

Solar as an Energy Partner Power Production’s Paradigm Shift

Much discussion and news about solar energy has occurred lately prompted largely by the Solyndra bankruptcy and the federal loan guarantees, which took taxpayer dollars down with the Company. In fact,...

Nature & Adaptability: Solutions for an Uncertain World

Much needed and welcome growth is occurring in the business of looking to nature for ideas and inspiration on how people can make society function better. Initially, these adoptions seemed to come in ...

The New Frontier: Restoring Natural Capital & Sustainability

Humanity stands at the edge of a new frontier. Earth is at a critical threshold and global society’s ability to master the sustainability challenge within the next decade will determine whether the ...

Social Entrepreneurship Growing a Business while Changing Lives

Coffee is the second largest traded commodity in the world, led only by oil. As a mature industry, supply chains are fully developed and controlled from coffee bean to grocery shelf. While premium bra...

A Point of Conscience: Protecting Tribal Peoples

Deep in one of the remotest parts of the Brazilian Amazon, in a clearing at the headwaters of the Envira River, an Indian man looks up at an aeroplane. He is surrounded by kapok trees and banana plant...

New Research on Sustainability

1. Dumping of 180M Tonnes of Toxic Mine Waste Threatens World Waters (www.earthworksaction.org) – Each year mining companies dump more than 180 million tonnes of hazardous waste into rivers, lakes a...

Visual Literacy and its Role in Public Schools

In a collaborative, brainstorming environment, it is impossible for children to make a mistake. This is the first of several beliefs taught in “See • Hear • Feel • Film” (SHFF), a writing-ba...

USGBC’s Center for Green Schools Making Healthy, High-Performing Schools A Reality

The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) established the Center for Green Schools to educate and to change schools into sustainable and healthy places to learn, work and play. The organization believes...

Women, War and Natural Resources

Environmental conservationist and human rights activist Wangari Maathai, PhD, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004 for her efforts to teach women in Kenya to plant trees. Together, she and the wo...

Immigration and Unsustainable Growth

The United States is facing a future of too many people and too few resources, and its nation’s leaders fail to discern, or refuse to acknowledge, this reality. The one thing President Obama and Gov...

The Arctic is Opening but the U.S.A. is Not Prepared

Environmentalists have talked about it for decades. Scientists have predicted it for awhile now. The U.S. Navy has been warning that we should prepare for it. Now even business is banking on it: Royal...

The International Impact of the Drought

Our corn crop will not be the only casualty of the drought and high temperatures in the Midwest this summer. Food prices at home and food security abroad are also hanging in the balance. As corn price...

The Truth about eWaste Impacts to Global Health & Safety

Stop to think about how many cell phones you have owned throughout the past decade. How many laptops and PCs have you had in the past 20 years? In the past 30 years, have you owned three, five, 10 or ...

Charity Isn’t Enough Moving Toward Sustainable Humanitarian Aid

Mrs. Biba suffers from chronic arsenic poisoning; the signs (thickened, darkened and scaling skin) are clearly visible on her hands. She has been drinking and cooking with arsenic-contaminated water f...

A Walk through History: An Insider’s View of the U.S. Coast Guard

On August 4, 2012, the United States Coast Guard (USCG) celebrated its 222nd anniversary. The event was vividly portrayed to Admiral Robert Papp, Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard, because...