The Dark Side of Genetically Modified Foods

When Pamm Larry first heard about genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in food, her first response was, “Well, this is interesting.” But the more the former midwife read about GMOs, the more fri...

Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Dempsey: The Importance of Being Resilient

I want to challenge you to think about how you prepare for the storms of life. . . . Life will call on you to be really resilient. When things don’t work the first, the second, or even the 10th or ...

Human Creativity & Cultural Diversity: Being Different is a Natural State

Globalization has underlying impacts on social relations, transformation of political communities and narration of self through its interconnecting and networking of the world. More particularly, sens...

Tropical Coral Reefs & Changing Oceans

As soon as the divers venture from the shadow of the ship floating above, a cloud of tropical fishes surround them.  Bright purple, black, green and yellow, they dart around like bees in a hive.  La...

CH2M HILL Restores “Cuckoo’s Nest” Hospital

The most sustainable projects reach across time and allow people to draw upon what they value most from the past while also harnessing new understandings to create a better future.  This philosophy g...

USACE & the Environment: Teaching Real-World Science to Students

On April 22, 2013, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Europe District Environmental Branch colleagues Vanessa Pepi, Erika McCormick and Nicole Silva presented Earth Day topics to more than 200 stude...

The Ethics of Deep Diversity in Multicultural Societies, Part II

The creative activity of men is to be conceived not as the production of objects for use or pleasure of instruction, additions to or improvements on the world of external nature, but as voices speakin...

The Ethics of Deep Diversity in Multicultural Societies, Part I

Each age is different, but each has the centre of its happiness within itself. . . . No one lives in his own period only; he builds on what has gone before and lays a foundation for what comes after....

Admiral Sam Locklear on Indo-Asia-Pacific Challenges & Opportunities

Why does the Asia Pacific region matter to the American people and the global population at large? The answer is self-evident when one realizes the area “really can’t be called a ‘region’ beca...

New Technology for a Greener Future: 12-Minute Cell Phone & Electric Car Charging

Sales of plug-in electric (PEV) and hybrid cars tripled in 2012 and are expected to double again in 2013. Still, they represent only a one digit percent of the 13 million vehicles sold in the United S...

The Reputation Economy: Creating a Sustainable Business Strategy

In 1987 the Brundtland Commission Report defined sustainable development for the environment as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generation...

Business Thinking Ahead: Building the 21st Century Business Model

Business strategy and business sustainability are incongruent. Business strategy, as it is currently conceptualized, promotes profit maximizing through growth. Yet, global society is reaching its limi...

Squeezed Like Lemons: Hawaii PUC Mistreats Citizen-Solar Producers

In February 2012, my wife, Elizabeth, and I started an amazing educational journey on uses and abuses of energy on our planet. Our first-ever adventure with an electric car during a weekend trip to Oa...

A History of Haiti: The Politics of Poverty

Haiti’s independence from France on January 1, 1804, marked the beginning of the first modern state governed by people of African descent. It was the second nation in the Western Hemisphere to achie...

Climate Reform & Social Justice: A Plea for Parity in Communities of Color

With the devastation from Hurricane Sandy fresh in our minds, it is time to deliberatively address the menacing climate change concerns that are facing our planet and their disparate impacts on commun...

Poverty in Morne-A-Bruler: Haiti’s Multi-Dimensional Problems

Until Jan. 12, 2010, few people gave Haiti much thought. However, after the magnitude 7.0 earthquake and global news network coverage of the devastating damage and socio-economic conditions in the aft...

Solar as an Energy Partner Power Production’s Paradigm Shift

Much discussion and news about solar energy has occurred lately prompted largely by the Solyndra bankruptcy and the federal loan guarantees, which took taxpayer dollars down with the Company. In fact,...

Rebuilding Resilience on the Land Ecological Restoration & the Hydrological Cycle

Agently meandering creek brings cool water to a southeast Wisconsin landscape scorched by record-breaking temperatures combined with zero rainfall. The farmer, taking a break from heart-rending work t...

Islam and Democracy: A Contradiction of Terms?

In August 2011, the Al Jazeera Centre for Studies organized a seminar, “Islamists and Arab Revolutions: Challenges of Democratic Transition and Rebuilding the State,” in Doha, the capital city of ...

A Walk through History: An Insider’s View of the U.S. Coast Guard

On August 4, 2012, the United States Coast Guard (USCG) celebrated its 222nd anniversary. The event was vividly portrayed to Admiral Robert Papp, Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard, because...

The U.S. Coast Guard: A Unique Military Service in Every Way

Admiral Robert Papp, Commandant of the United States Coast Guard, leads a vital military service with far-reaching responsibilities. One of these responsibilities currently receiving widespread attent...

Visual Dysfunction vs. ADD/ADHD Misdiagnosed Child Behavior Disorders

Children presenting with inattention that can contribute to behavior disorders are often misdiagnosed and/or misrepresented. Teachers and parents commonly characterize these children as being difficul...

A New Perspective on Persecution

According to two 2011 studies by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, 2.18 billion Christians and 1.6 billion Muslims exist around the globe,...

WINTERS: 1970-1980; Robert Glenn Ketchum’s First Published Portfolio

With his first published portfolio, WINTERS: 1970-1980, Robert Glenn Ketchum challenged the established status quo of landscape photography. He achieved this by rejecting the iconic “view” in favo...

U.S. Air Force Managing Wetlands at Hurlburt Field

Scientific research estimates that more than one-half of U.S. wetlands have been drained, dredged, flooded or filled since the beginning of colonial America with 45 percent of this loss due to urban d...

USACE’s Steve Stockton: The Urgent Need to Transform US Water Resources Infrastructure

Navigation channels that support international trade and produce one-third of U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP), almost 14 million jobs, flood-risk reduction that prevents $22.3 billion in average ann...

Reordering Life: Contemplate Contentment

Most of us were unconditionally loved and accepted even before we were conceived. We grew and evolved in a protected, ordered and predictable environment where we continued to be loved and accepted fo...

Kids Who Survived the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s

Like everyone else, I receive a mountain of mostly unwanted emails every day. However, once in a while I get something that makes me smile, lifts my spirits and reminds me that, even amidst all the cr...

The Evolution of an Environmentalist

It was the year 2000 on an early spring day at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, the largest amphibious training base on America’s East Coast. Tramping through the swamp and Carolina p...

The Soul of Psychic Energy: Health & Security Predictions

Leading thinkers in the natural sciences no longer subscribe to a classical, reductionist scientific paradigm, typified by Descartes and Newton: the search for ever smaller elements of nature, their c...